Thank You DLWID

Thank-You.pngThe Devils Lake Neighborhood Association wishes to convey its heartfelt appreciation to the Devils Lake Water Improvement Board of Directors and staff.  To Board Members Kent Norris, Tina French, Bill Sexton, Steve Brown, and Kathy Kremer; to Lake Manager Josh Brainerd, Outside Consultant Tom Woods and Lake Intern Whitney Rich; Thank You!

For the second season we enjoyed exceptional water quality throughout the summer.  Once again we had a summer without a toxic algae event and testing revealed no e-coli events reaching hazardous levels.  Indeed all test points other than at the D-River bridge were at very low levels in all samplings.  We applaud the policies and procedures enacted by the District that made this result possible.

In addition to great water, we had great weather this year.  I'm afraid we can't credit the District for that but it did make for an active year on the lake where many residents and visitors could enjoy the clear water.  The District did support its many citizen committees which have been working on many projects to benefit the lake. Everything from weekly water sampling, to experimentation and planing for aquatic and shoreline planting, lakeside activities, assisting District staff and making long term plans such as investigations into the potential of sewers around the lake.  DLNA members as well as others in the city have participated in these committees creating a great sense of community support and cooperation.

Norris.pngFinally, we would like to make a special shout out to Kent Norris, Chair of the DLWID Board as he has devoted many hours for the good of the lake and the neighborhood that surrounds it.  For those who may not have noticed, Kent has of course presided over the monthly meetings, but he has also participated in committee meeting after committee meeting.  He has spent countless hours in the DLWID office, seeing us though our leadership transition and helping Josh to ensure his success in this first year.  So to you Kent, hats off, and thank you very much!

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