Lake Aeration Installed

Boat.pngGreat progress has been made by the Devils Lake Water Improvement District this winter toward improving our lake's water quality.  Josh Brainerd Lake Manager provided this brief update of the project.

Lake Bottom Aeration Project:
The Lake Bottom Aeration Project was completed in November of 2018. It has been in operation for many months. Seasonal dissolved oxygen (DO) levels have remained consistent and at a healthy level during the winter months on the lake bottom. DLWID hopes to see an increase in DO on the bottom of Devils Lake during the warm summer months when DO is seasonally absent. Several points are being monitored in and around the 50-acre treatment area and the results will be published once obtained.

Shoreline Aeration Project:
The Shoreline Aeration equipment continues to operate in the lake. For 2019 DLWID plans to use the equipment at several confined water locations. Recent research suggests that shallow freshwater areas may play a much larger role than once thought in the proliferation of Harmful Algal Blooms.

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