Message From DLNA President

Congratulations to each and every one of our DLNA members for the accomplishments we collectively contributed to in 2016 on Devils Lake.


Here are just a few highlights:

  • Best recreational water quality in the past 4 years!
  • Not one harmful algal bloom
  • Fantastic 4th of July boat parade and fireworks show 3rd year!
  • Many of our membership have rolled up their sleeves and serve on DLWID committees and continue to do so.
  • Great combination annual meeting and potluck on the point. Thanks Mitch and Dana.

Other GREAT news:

  • DLWID Board Chair Kent Norris did a fantastic job filling in as interim Lake Manger and spent countless hours at their offices on the campus of COCC. Thanks for your dedication to our Lake Kent!
  • A huge shout out to Tina French and Bill Sexton for their tireless work too.
  • DLWID hired a great interim Lake Manager Tom Wood who moved many projects forward and most likely will be retained as a consultant in the future.
  • DLWID recently hired a full time Lake Manager Joshua Brainerd who is well qualified and has moved to Lincoln City with his wife. He took the helm the first of December. I would encourage you to give him a call and welcome him aboard @ 541-994-5330.

What is coming up?

  • Election season again in May 2017 for 2 DLWID Board positions.
  • Brian Green and David Skirvin’s positions will be on the ballot.
  • More to accomplish on the committee’s we serve on in 2017.

We are excited about the positive things that are happening on Devils Lake and the opportunity for more great things to happen in 2017.

You ALL make a difference. Go TEAM!

Mark Christie, President DLNA

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