Please excuse me this one indulgence and let me explain just how unusually busy we began the summer and just how much we enjoyed laying low these past few months. You see, my wife Dana and I had the extreme pleasure of see our youngest, Laura be married in our yard on Sand Point this summer. The wedding between Laura and Danny Walters occurred on July 29th, a day that delivered picture perfect weather. The ceremony was as beautiful as we envisioned and the party lasted well into the night.
Any of you who have mistakenly thought a wedding on your property would be easy of course know that the opposite is true. We worked for many months preparing, repairing, planting, and grooming, to ensure that everything down to the last petal was in place. Many thanks go out to the group of DLNA neighbors who volunteered and helped us make this a perfect day for all.
Danny and Laura have traveled back home to Denver Colorado to start a family; which means they got a puppy. Dana and I hosted the DLNA Potluck on the Point the following weekend and then took the balance of the summer to enjoy the lake. What a wonderful August and September we had! We can attest firsthand that Devils Lake makes a terrific venue for any special event.
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