Rules for Posting and Commenting on this Blog
This is a non-commercial blog, whose primary goal is to help create a increased sense of community and provide an open forum for discussion on issues related to Devil’s Lake in Lincoln City, Oregon. That said, we don’t apologize for expressing our opinion from time to time. This blog was originally created in support of our position related to Devil’s Lake. We will attempt to ensure that our editorial opinion is identifiable. If your position is counter to ours, we value your input, feel free to post comments on any post that spurs your creativity. Since this is a moderated blog your comments will be reviewed for compliance with our rules for posting and commenting prior to being released to the blog. We will try our best to accomplish this in a timely manner. Please do not expect our site to advocate your position. There are three sites available that advocate variety of positions on Devil’s Lake, they are, and feel free to pay them a visit. Still feel like your opinion isn’t getting the forum it deserves contact me and I’ll be happy to discuss it. Therefore, in the interests of creating an atmosphere of civility in our ongoing discussions on live near and on Devils Lake we will use the following rules related to posting and commenting on this blog. In the end however, what the blog administrator says… goes. If you feel you have been treated unfairly please email [email protected] and share your thoughts on the matter. Details of our policy are below.
- The current blog administrator is responsible for ongoing decisions about the content and use of this blog. The blog administrator decisions have the force of rules for this blog.
- Respectful behavior is required at all times when posting and commenting. Behaving in a disruptive, disrespectful manner will be handled by rejecting your post. When possible a reply will be sent stating the reason the post was rejected. If you continue to engage in abusive behavior on this blog and we will likely just ignore you from that point on, including removal of all comments, no posting of news articles, etc. We hope to never have to enforce this.
- Image and video content that contains nudity, sexually graphic material, or material that is otherwise deemed explicit by the blog administrator will not be permitted. Users may not publish written, image or video content that promotes pedophilia, incest and bestiality. We do not allow content that exists for the primary purpose of monetizing porn content or driving traffic to a monetized pornography site. the Devils Lake Navigator has a zero-tolerance policy against child pornography, and we will terminate and report to the appropriate authorities any user who publishes or distributes child pornography.
- Users may not publish material that promotes hate toward groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity.
- Users may not publish direct threats of violence against any person or group of people.
- This is a venue for sharing news and information about timely issues relevant to Devils Lake. This is not a venue for airing grievances against individual bloggers or for personal attacks.
- It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement.
- We do not allow the unauthorized publishing of people’s private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, Social Security Numbers, and driver’s and other license numbers, phone numbers, or email address.
- We do not allow impersonation of others through our services in a manner that is intended to or does mislead or confuse others.
- Our blog should not be used for unlawful purposes or for promotion of dangerous and illegal activities. Your posting and comment rights will be terminated and you may be reported to the appropriate authorities.
- We do not allow spamming or transmitting malware and viruses.
- News of any kind may be requested to be posted. Authors, editors, and administrators may post this news at their discretion.
- Send a link to the news article you post on your own blog or elsewhere. Please send us a quick description and a link to where the whole article of info can be located. Articles may be summarized prior to posting.
- Don’t forget to send both the link of where the news article is on your blog or elsewhere, and a link to your own blog so you can get credit for it, or we won’t be able to link to
- Blog administrators may edit or delete any post or comment or other article that they believe to be in contradiction to respectful behavior, or otherwise inappropriate.
- If in question about the appropriateness of news, other posts, or comments, bring the item to the attention of the blog administrators. The blog administrator will determine the ultimate fitness of the item for this blog.
- By submitting for posting, posting or displaying content (including comments) on or through this blog which is intended to be available to the members of the public, you affirm that you have copyright to do so, and you grant the blog owner a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, publish and distribute such content on this blog for the purpose of displaying and distributing this blog.
- We reserve the right to refuse to accept, post, display or transmit any content in whole or in part.
- Commercial advertising is not allowed on this blog.
- Illegal activity or other things that violate the web hosting terms of service will be grounds for immediately closing this blog without notice. The web host won’t give us notice if they catch it, so we can’t afford to give notice either, in the interests of keeping the web hosting intact. Once the offending item(s) are taken care of, the blog will be reopened.
- By posting or commenting on this blog, you are signifying that you agree to these terms and rules. If you do not agree to these terms and rules, simply do not post or comment.
The opinions and views expressed in posts and comments on are those of the individual author(s) and not necessarily the opinions of The Devils Lake Navigator does not endorse the contents, thoughts, feelings, opinions or any other remarks made by authors and commenter’s on, nor does either make any claim to responsibility for what those authors and commenter’s write or post on The blog administrator serves as technical support to facilitate physical posting of content to the site and has editorial authority or responsibility over posts or the contents thereof. This editorial authority and responsibility is reserved for the blog administrator, which screens authors and content when deemed appropriate and necessary by the committee. For security purposes, the blog administrator is the only entities with access to physically post authors’ content to This does not include comments, which are generally open to the public. The blog administrator does pre-screen posts, but generally will not edit content, except to censor based on the prohibition contained in this policy.