Volunteer for First Devils Lake Roadside Clean-up



Come be a part of your neighborhood!  Join us for our First Annual Devils Lake Water Improvement District lake roadside clean-up.  East Devils Lake Road is our first target.   Details are on the Roadside Clean-up event page where you can RSVP if you wish.  You can learn about all of our upcoming activities on our events page. As as recap it will be Tuesday, May 16 from 9 AM to Noon beginning in the parking lot of the Faith Baptist Church at the corner of East Devils Lake Rd. and Hwy 101.  All gloves, vests, and bags will be provided, as well as some great company.  Let’s all work together to make our beautiful lake and surroundings shine.  Just call: Bill Sexton  541-994-5411 or Sue Henderson 503-324-5931 for more information or to sign up.

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