Carp Update September 1, 2022

Back in July the Devil's Lake Neighborhood Association asked all of you to write letters to a variety of decision makers. The community responded and many letters were sent. As a result, people who work in the State government quickly became aware of the weed problem on Devil's Lake. Mission accomplished. Thank you for your grassroots efforts. 

The Devils Lake Neighborhood Association and Devils Lake Water Improvement District invited many individuals from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, State Legislators, County Commissioners and local government officials to come join us for a tour to see the condition of the lake in person. It was a nice day yet only Representative David Gomberg and Senator Dick Anderson joined us. There were no other attendees. It was, however, a worthwhile event as Representative Gomberg was making phone calls before he even left the boat.

On August 5th, Josh Brainard DLWID Lake Manager appeared briefly before the ODFW Commission at their meeting in Salem. He explained our situation during the three minutes allotted to individuals during the public comment portion of the meeting. 

Subsequently, a few meetings have occurred between ODFW staff and the Devils Lake Water Improvement District. In these meetings we learned that it is ODFW staff’s position that the Commission’s existing ability to waive certain restrictions related to grass carp would not be sufficient for placement of fish on Devils Lake. It is their position that it will take an Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) change to allow the eventual restocking of fish on Devils Lake.

With that position in mind ODFW staff delivered a draft position paper as well as draft proposed changes to the Oregon Administrative Rules pertaining to the placement of sterile grass carp on Devils Lake. Our review found some of the rules to be simply unworkable. However, subsequent conversations have resulted in a commitment to remove or modify most of the objectionable wording. At this time, the greatest outstanding issue is the discrepancy between the State and DLWID over the number of carp they will allow to be placed.  Negotiations continue.

The process of making these Administrative Rule Changes is specified in Oregon statutes. Therefore the timeline is dictated by the steps required by Oregon law. Much of the timeline related to this process is to provide ample time for interested parties to become aware of the ruling and comment if they so desire.  Our goal is to win approval for placement in the spring. Draft OAR changes will be taking place over the next several weeks. Both parties feel that all changes should be completed and ready for the ODFW Commission's final approval at their January 2023 meeting.   If so, this would represent a very quick turn around, so don’t be surprised if this timeline expands some prior to completion.

Does this mean we are going to get approval for grass carp?  That’s impossible to say, but so far we are pointing more toward a positive result than failure.   In the meantime, patience is required as this will not happen overnight.  

Elodea Lifecycle

Elodea canadensis is a submerged aquatic plant of slower flowing rivers and lakes, native to North America. It has been intentionally introduced into areas outside of its native range as an ornamental aquarium species. This species has a wide ecological tolerance and grows relatively fast. It is a perennial, overwintering in the deeper water, and reproducing asexually. Disturbance increases the dispersal of numerous buds and the vigorous re-growth is enhanced through changes in availability of nutrients. Elodea canadensis can form dense mats which can interfere with recreational activities, navigation and port infrastructure. In addition to this, the dense mats outcompete native plant species and therefore decrease the biodiversity in an area. It also accentuates the accumulation of finer organic silts which enhances its growth further as nutrients are released. Elodea canadensis originates from North America, concentrated around the St Lawrence Valley and the Great Lakes regions and the Pacific West Coast, but now occurs throughout the US. Elodea canadensis is considered invasive in Australia, New Zealand, Cuba, Alaska. Oregon classifies Elodea canadensis as a native plant.

Elodea male plants are less common than female in its native range. Plants are usually dioecious (individuals bear either male or female flowers only) and produce seeds in ellipsoid or oval capsules. The plants reproduce readily by asexual fragmentation, and many invasive populations consist entirely of individuals of the same sex, having originated from a single, introduced, plant fragment. The main growing season is between mid-April and October. Plants can die back in Autumn but may survive in temperate climates. Turions or short, densely-leaved resistant stems, develop then break off to float around the water body before they sink to the bottom over winter, where they rest until they re-grow in spring.

Over-wintering buds and fragments of the brittle branches are easily detached by waves, currents, foraging animals and boat traffic. New roots develop quickly on the nodes of these fragments which are carried away to form new stands. This method of propagation gives Elodea canadensis a considerable advantage over annual species and resulted in its rapid spread throughout North America.

Survival is by densely-leaved crowded ends or turions. During autumn, turions cease to elongate and come to bear tightly clustered dark green leaves, which contain increased starch and are slightly more waxy than the normal foliage leaves. These turions may be liberated when the parent stems disintegrate and sink to the bottom, or remain attached throughout winter. The turions remain dormant until spring, when the leaves expand, roots develop from the lower nodes, the axis elongates and a new plant is formed. Elodea canadensis begins to grow during the spring season and is well formed by early May. 

More detailed information is available at this link.

Patience Please

The few individuals who have volunteered to assist the DLWID in trying to solve this crisis are just homeowners like you.  They did not plant elodea in the lake.  They do not get paid.  They have better ways of spending their time and we are grateful for their assistance.

As the summer rolls on, the DLNA has been fielding emails and comments that draw from frustration and border on nasty. That’s not going to help solve this problem.  Please, let’s keep our discourse civil and continue to work together on solving this problem. 

Harvesting Week 1 Completed

Week one of weed harvesting on Devils Lake has come to a close an we removed an astounding 12 tons of weeds from the lake. We got five pretty good days of harvesting in this week but midday on Friday the ECO Harvester suffered a major breakdown.  One of the large steel rollers for the main belt drive failed. You can see from the image something's very wrong. Unfortunately the repair couldn’t be done in Lincoln City so the machine is headed back to its home port in Coos Bay.

Overall the harvesting cut a tremendous amount of material out of the lake, as measured in tons! Western Shoreline Restoration will be back on August 15th for two more weeks of harvesting on Devil's Lake. Overall we learned a tremendous amount of information about what to expect in a harvesting project. More than anything we learned just how dense the Elodea is in some areas especially the West end of the lake.  We are learning about what to expect in terms of daily progress.  We’re learning about what's required in terms of staging drop boxes and excavators. We learned that no matter how much we take out the lake just keeps on giving.

Harvester Arrives (Video)

Watch our latest video "Harvester Arrives"


Ready, Set, Go! 

It's time for us to ask for your help again. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission published its agenda for the August 5th meeting yesterday. Unfortunately neither grass carp or Devil's Lake are listed as an agenda item. This setback will prevent the Commission from taking any action on the topic during this meeting.  DLWID is, however, invited to provide verbal comments in the public portion of the meeting. Josh Brainerd DLWID Manager will be making comments on behalf of the lake.  Others will not be allowed to speak on this non-agenda item.

This is where you come in.  We are allowed to write to the ODF&W Commission about any topic we want.  In order to make an impression as well as show our support of our manager we have a specific letter writing request. This important request asks the Commission to please acknowledge this catastrophe by directing ODF&W staff to work with DLWID to modify DLWID’s pending exception application to set stocking levels appropriate to current situation and to bring this matter before the Commission at its September 15, 2022 meeting

We have created a template for the Commission and we would request everybody forward it to the ODFW Commission, ODFW Director, and the Governor.  All letters must arrive at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, so the due date for this request is August 2, 2022. Does it really do any good for each of them to receive a couple hundred of the same letter? Indeed it does.

Thank you in advance for your participation. 

Here's what to do by  Aug 2, 2022

  1. Download the letter from this link. (WORD) (PDF)
  2. Optionally edit the letter to include your name and address. 
  3. Send the letter as an attachment by email, feel free to add a few photos if you wish. You can add a more personal message in the body of the email
  4. Send the email to [email protected], [email protected]
  5. Let the Governor know by mailing a copy (address at bottom of letter) or completing the online form at this link.
  6. Let us know you did it by completing a brief questionnaire

Get Ready, Get Set

Time is short, soon the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet in Salem and grass carp hang in the balance. Our grassroots team is preparing a letter to the Commission for all of you to tell them they need to approve DLWID’s 2013 application for an exception allowing the reintroduction of sterile grass carp into Devils Lake. Your voice counts! 

Get ready, because we'll be asking you to send the prepared letter on very short notice. Final wording will be dependent on the yet to be published agenda. Watch the space. 

We will send you notice as soon as it's time for you to act.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Elodea Update July 24, 2022

My apologies for the many updates but these are important times for Devil's Lake. So here's the latest. The Devil's Lake Water Improvement District (DLWID) has been invited to appear at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODF&W) Commission meeting in Salem on August 5th. We don't know if our topic is on their agenda but we do know they have invited DLWID to be at the meeting. It is important for DLWID to be listed on the agenda as it is a requirement for the Commission to take action. DLWID has requested approval of their 2013 application for an exception as permitted by their administrative rules allowing the restocking of sterile grass carp in Devils Lake.

In the meantime the Devil's Lake Neighborhood Association (DLNA) has forwarded a letter to DLWID. In the letter DLNA supports DLWID’s three-part approach to addressing the Elodea problem including herbicide application, weed removal (by hand and/or harvester), and sterilized grass carp. We requested DLWID petition the Director of ODF&W to place approval of the 2013 exception application on the August 5, 2022 agenda.  You can read the entire letter at this link.

The letter mentions our committee, specifically the DLNA Weeds Workgroup which is composed of six individuals from our community; Mitchell Moore, Laura Lesher, Susan Elworth, Bryan O'Doherty, Dan Harmond, Bill Hagmaier and Tina French representing the DLWID Board. This workgroup has been very active in analyzing the problem, reviewing the proposed solution, and creating the messaging that you all have been using to communicate to decision makers about this crisis.  The committee has been working on many other aspects of the issue but we will save that for another article.

Yesterday, the DLNA sent a letter to the ODF&W Commissioners, the ODF&W Director Curt Melcher and Governor Kate Brown describing the Devils Lake Elodea problem. Like the letter to DLWID we requested immediate action by the ODF&W Commission creating an exception allowing the restocking of sterile grass carp in Devils Lake.  The letter is a concise description of the DLNA’s position on the matter.  So let the letter speak for itself.  

DLNA Letter to ODF&W Commission

Read more

Harvester Project Ready To Begin

Our harvesting trial will begin next week and for all of you who signed up before the deadline here is the latest information as we now know it.  Follow this link to the harvester map, our contractor will use to navigate the lake. 

Expanded Dates

This project became far more popular than first anticipated. We originally had the harvester scheduled for one week because that's what was available. In the past week 180 homes signed up for this service so we've negotiated and expanded the timeline for the harvester to be on the lake. The return date for the second harvester visit has been a bit of a moving target.

Here are the most recent dates 

July 25-29 Original Visit 
August 15-19 Second Visit
August 22-?? Potential Extended Visit


This project is a trial and it is our first attempt at harvesting on the lake. It is our primary goal to learn a lot during this process. The results of this neighborhood funded project will play a key role in the long term management plan to restore the lake. 

The harvester will begin on the west end of the lake where the Elodea is most concentrated. The harvester will work its way East as the project continues.  The harvester is slow moving so we will be working areas rather than individuals.  The goal is to minimize wasted time and maximize material removed from the lake.

I also would like to set some expectations for what will occur along your lakefront.   The harvester will make several passes in the water way beyond your docks.  This is intended to provide a channel of sorts allowing your boats to find clear water. The Elodea is severe in some locations and our ability to accomplish this goal is still to be determined. The harvester will then try to consume as many weeds as it can around your property. This harvester pulls weeds and often gets the root, it will leave bits behind but the mass will be gone.  The harvester is 10’ wide and 27’ long so while maneuverable it cannot get into certain areas, including under docs or boats.  Water depth is also a factor preventing operation all the way to the bank or shoreline.  I am told that given the above you may wish to do some minor raking for a super clean look.  It should be manageable both in the effort and amount of remaining material to remove.  

Weed Harvester Coming

The Devils Lake Neighborhood Association has made arrangements for a ECO Harvester located in Coos Bay to be transported to our lake on July 25th. The operator of this weed harvester has agreed to run his harvester for seven days.  Lakefront homeowners can sign-up to have the harvester clear out the area in front of their homes.  In return we would ask for a minimum $300 donation.  Keep in mind at portion of your donation will be used to clear some of the most congested common areas of our lake.  If you wish you can make a larger donation to help support this effort.  This is a limited trial and it's short duration is a result of the availability of the harvesting equipment. This is not an attempt to clear the lake of weeds, it is a short duration trial to collect data on it operation.  

Our contractor will be on the lake July 25-31 2022.  We will attempt to clear some common areas and as many of the homeowners areas at time allows.  

To put your property on the list to be harvester click the button below and complete the sign-up form.  Once you after completing the form you are free to make your donation. Don't delay we close the list on July 20th.



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