Potluck on the Point Returns

Potluck.jpgPlease join us Saturday August 3rd at 6:00 pm for our Ninth Annual Potluck on the Point. We've made it through our remodel and now once again have a patio on which we can Potluck!

We really missed having the potluck last year and we've never been more ready to share some great food and fun with our lakeside neighbors.  The get together will be hosted by Mitch and Dana Moore at 2929 NE Loop Drive on Sand Point.

Plan to bring your favorite appetizer, main dish or casserole and join us, with your neighbor and friends for an evening of fun. Be sure to mark your calendar today!

Boat Safety Presentation

The DLWID Special Projects Committee has been working hard to create interesting opportunities for all of us who live and play on Devils Lake.  With that in mind they wish to announce their upcoming boat safety presentation at Regatta Park on 
Saturday, June 22nd from 11:00am to 1:00pm

Stop by and see demonstrations relevant to boats, kayaks, jet-ski’s, paddle boards, swimming and more.  You are welcome to bring your watercraft to Regatta Park if you would like a beginning of season inspection.  We’re so grateful that Deputy Lopez from the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department has promised to be there to go over the regulations and requirements with all who are interested. A huge thank you to him!

Can't make this fun event? You can still pick up a few tips by following this link.  Remember this summer to have fun, and boat safely! 

We've Almost Reached Our Goal


June is nearing an end and as many of you know we have a terrific day planned for you on July 3rd including a boat parade and a fantastic fireworks display.  We have almost reached our fundraising goal.  Another $3,800 and we have the show completely paid for, your help has been greatly appreciated.  If you were thinking of donating this would be a great time to help us get over the finish line.  Just click this link to contribute

Attend June 2019 DLNA General Meeting


We have scheduled a General Meeting of the Devils Lake Neighborhood Association (DLNA) which will be held at 10:30am, on Saturday, June 29, 2019, at the Driftwood Public Library located at 801 SE Hwy 101, Lincoln City, OR 97367.

Come join us and your neighbors for the following purposes:

  1. A brief presentation of the aeration system
  2. Recap of the Winter's Activities
  3. Discussion of the DLWID Sewer Committee activities
  4. Open forum to allow neighbors to set the agenda for the DLNA
  5. Mix it up with your neighbors

Please mark your calendar and attend this important meeting.

We will be bringing DLNA yard signs and stickers to the meeting for sale.  You can get a pair for just $10, its a great way to let others know your participation, and it can help protect your property. Put one lakeside and another street side for extra protection.   Check our website at dlakeoregon.com/store for more details.

2019 Fireworks Fundraiser

Fundraiser.jpgWe recently announced the Sixth Annual Devils Lake Neighborhood Association Fireworks display scheduled Thursday July 3rd.  We still have a long way to go to fund this year’s display and to that end we would like to invite you to join us on the lake this Memorial Day holiday weekend.

The DLNA Fireworks Barge will be parked in front of Steve Brown’s House just east of Regatta Park.  Once again one side will be attached to land in Steve’s backyard so you may come by land or by sea.

Fireworks Fundraiser
Sunday May 26, 2019
11:00am to 3:00pm

Hot Dogs, Chips and Dip will be offered while you visit with your neighbors.  Come on down and help us raise the funds required for this year’s show. Remember you can still stop by even if you don’t have a boat in the water. Steve’s  address is 1510 NE LAKE DR, Lincoln City OR 97367.  Can't make it at all, don't worry you can still donate online by following this link.

Lake Aeration Installed

Boat.pngGreat progress has been made by the Devils Lake Water Improvement District this winter toward improving our lake's water quality.  Josh Brainerd Lake Manager provided this brief update of the project.

Lake Bottom Aeration Project:
The Lake Bottom Aeration Project was completed in November of 2018. It has been in operation for many months. Seasonal dissolved oxygen (DO) levels have remained consistent and at a healthy level during the winter months on the lake bottom. DLWID hopes to see an increase in DO on the bottom of Devils Lake during the warm summer months when DO is seasonally absent. Several points are being monitored in and around the 50-acre treatment area and the results will be published once obtained.

Shoreline Aeration Project:
The Shoreline Aeration equipment continues to operate in the lake. For 2019 DLWID plans to use the equipment at several confined water locations. Recent research suggests that shallow freshwater areas may play a much larger role than once thought in the proliferation of Harmful Algal Blooms.

Fireworks Are Coming July 3rd

Everything is set for another great holiday weekend.  We begin with our sixth annual boat parade and complete the night with a spectacular fireworks display.  Safety is the name of the game so please take a look at our boat parade safety plan and our fireworks safety plan to ensure your day is as safe as it is fun.  Here's the details.

Boat Parade
Date: Wednesday July 3rd
Time: 7:00 PM

Fireworks Display
Date: Wednesday July 3rd
Time: 9:30 PM (or Dusk)

With this announcement it is time that we begin to gather donations for this spectacular fireworks display: follow this donation link or the button in the sidebar to contribute. See you July 3rd!

Potluck on the Point Cancelled


In a normal year, in just a few weeks, we would be hosting the Ninth Annual Potluck on the Point.  This year the potluck's venue is an active construction project.  All we have is gravel and dirt to entertain on. That's simply not going to work leaving us no other option but the cancel the event for 2018.  Please join us next year, (always the first Saturday of August) to see our completed construction project and enjoy an evening with your neighbors and friends.

Devils Lake Floating Garden Project


The DLWID Save or Shorelines Committee has been experimenting for the past year with a floating garden project in the Thompson Creek canal. Now deemed a resounding success Mariellen Rich has drafted a detailed description of the project as well as instructions for you to make your own floating garden.  You can download these instructions here.  Follows are some excepts from the document which explain the project.

The Devils Lake floating garden project was created as a way to promote lake re-vegetation in a way that doesn’t require full bank stabilization, concrete or dock removal, and/or the need for extensive permitting.

The project was inspired by the floating gardens of Amsterdam, Netherlands. In an effort to achieve DLWID’s goal of 20% lake vegetation, the floating garden offers an alternative to lakeshore restoration projects that require unimpaired shorelines, with ample planting media.

The floating garden is a suspended structure of PVC pipes, connectors, empty plastic water bottles, lattice, and planting baskets. It is anchored to a homeowner’s dock or concrete barrier. The wetland-like, aquaponic conditions allow for aquatic and nonaquatic species to grow in close contact with the lake, extracting nutrients from the nitrogen-rich bottom of the lake. In addition, the aquaponic plants clean the water, creating a healthy environment for fish to thrive. Small fish swim among the roots looking for shelter and food. The plants do not need to expend energy on an extensive root system to find the food they need, so all of their energy goes into upward leaf growth. The floating garden is virtually maintenance-free, requiring an optional light spring cleaning and weeding once a year. No watering or fertilizing is needed.

The DLWID demonstration floating garden on Devils Lake has been anchored by ropes from a fixed dock since August 2017. The floating garden was weeded in March and invasive “volunteer” plants were removed. Once the garden is constructed and populated
with plants it takes care of itself.

Floating gardens are a convenient solution to lake shore planting. The plants utilize the lake nutrients to produce foliage and an efficient root system. They are an easy to maintain and beautiful lakeside property addition.

We've Almost Reached Our Goal


July is nearing an end and as many of you know it began with a terrific day on July 3rd including a boat parade and a fantastic fireworks display.  We have almost reached our fundraising goal.  Another $1,500 and we have the show completely paid for, your help has been greatly appreciated.  If you were thinking of donating any amount this would be a great time to help us get over the finish line.  Just click this link to contribute

Donate Fireworks


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